

> Business Valuations

> Fraud Detection & Recovery

> Litigation Support

> Mergers and Acquisitions

> Succession Planning

> Bankruptcy / Insolvency

> Out of Court Reorganizations

> Sales, Marketing & Branding

> Strategic Patent Planning

Bankruptcy / Insolvency

The United States Bankruptcy laws were enacted to provide a level planning field for company's and individuals who through whatever set of circumstances have become insolvent, but are capable of reorganizing for the good of all creditors and who derive a source of living from the business.

Over the years this area of law has become extremely complicated and many competent Attorney's have specialized in this field. The keys to success in this area of expertise include;

The Tuscany Group and it's Directors have been brought in many times as consultants to Bankruptcy Counsel to translate the existing and proposed business model of the company's under the protection of The United States Bankruptcy Code.

We are proud to say we have been part of many successful business turnarounds.


I have known Director Doug Frazier & Director Harold J. Rubinstein of
The Tuscany Group for over 10 years and totally respect their knowledge...

--Brian C. Stegall Vice President, Equipment Financing, Las Vegas, NV