

> Business Valuations

> Fraud Detection & Recovery

> Litigation Support

> Mergers and Acquisitions

> Succession Planning

> Bankruptcy / Insolvency

> Out of Court Reorganizations

> Sales, Marketing & Branding

> Strategic Patent Planning

Out of Court Reorganizations

An Out of Court Reorganization is a negotiated change in a business's existing debt structure that avoids an insolvency problem without using the bankruptcy code. It is any form of material compromise as to the repayment of debt that allows the business and it's creditor's to benefit.

Once the impaired repayment ability of a business becomes apparent, it is to everyone’s advantage to get on the same side of the table and negotiate a compromise, find solutions to improving the business cash flow and reorganize the company.

The Tuscany Group has helped lead such arrangements and then turned them over to the company's business Counsel for successful completion and official documentation.


As one of the largest Perishable Commodity Vacuum Cooler manufactures in the
Southwest we rely on Director Rubinstein for Business Valuation Services ...

--Randy Cox, President, COX Industries, LLC., Yuma, Arizona