

> Business Valuations

> Fraud Detection & Recovery

> Litigation Support

> Mergers and Acquisitions

> Succession Planning

> Bankruptcy / Insolvency

> Out of Court Reorganizations

> Sales, Marketing & Branding

> Strategic Patent Planning

Sales, Marketing & Branding

In today’s ever changing business environment, your company must maintain market share and increase sales to stay on top of growing competition and shrinking budgets. You therefore need to ensure you completely understand your customers needs for your products and services and have the ability to delivery extraordinary customer service. These two factors help drive sales and shareholder value while increasing profit margins. Product innovation and differentiation make the difference in creating a positive and memorable customer experience.

Most companies financial hardships are driven by poor sales, profit margins, on-time delivery issues, quality problems, dysfunctional customer service or concentration issues.

At The Tuscany Group we identify essential methods to ensure your team addresses the aspects that lead to a comprehensive balanced approach to sales and marketing metrics and key performance indicators that bring results.


We are one of the largest Perishable Commodity Vacuum Cooler manufactures in the
Southwest and rely on Director Rubinstein for M&A services ...

--Randy Cox, President, COX Industries, LLC., Yuma, Arizona